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PRELUDE Festival 2023
Faust (The Broken Show)
Eric Dyer/Radiohole
Theater, Performance Art
7:00PM EST
Saturday, October 21, 2023
The Collapsable Hole, Bank Street, New York, NY, USA
When you’re old and you can’t focus and you can’t have it all, maybe you can make a deal with the devil — if you’re special. Inspired by failure, Eric Dyer of Radiohole performs a manic version of the Faust legend, inspired by Goethe, F.W. Mernau, Jan Švankmaje, Joe Frank (and so on and so forth).
Content / Trigger Description:
Eric Dyer
Eric Dyer is a co-founder of Radiohole, Inc and a carpenter. He has been developing this production on and off since sometime during the pandemic.
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