The Martin E. Segal Theater Center presents
My virtual body and my double
At the Segal Theatre Film and Performance Festival 2024
A film by
Simon Senn / Bruno Deville
This film will be available to watch online May 16th onwards for 3 weeks.
About The Film
French, with subtitles in German & English
Running Time
Year of Release
In the style of a digital conference, Mon corps virtuel et mon double (My virtual body and my double) plunges us into the testimony of the artist Simon Senn who has the disturbing experience of embodying the digital replica of a female body thanks to virtual reality. Together with programmer Tammara Leites, he also creates an artificial intelligence powered by his own personal data and capable of writing. A film that reveals the unexpected entanglement between technology and human beings.
Film director : Bruno Deville Production : Bastien Genoux Coproduction : Detours Films, RTS Radio Télévision Suisse, Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne, Compagnie Simon Senn With the support of : Fonds DE LA SCENE A L’ECRAN Partnership : TV5Monde. Based on the performances by Simon Senn
About The Artist(s)
Simon Senn is a Swiss artist. He works primarily with video and performance, exploring the effects of technology on human relationships.
Bruno Deville, director and screenwriter, was born in 1976 in Ottignies, Belgium. Joint Swiss and Belgian citizenship. 1992 Receives degree from the Academy of Fine Arts in Wavre. 1995-2000 Attends ECAL (École Cantonale d'Art de Lausanne). 2000 Receives degree in directing from ECAL. 2004 Cofounder of Le Flair production company in Lausanne.
Detours Film : Detours Films is a cinematographic approach to apprehending reality, soaking up life trajectories, questioning the political positioning of the contemporary world, or flirting with movement and matter. Words and encounters are the keystones of this visual, often documentary, approach. It's a way of highlighting the inner worlds of people who are atypical or at odds with established norms.
Get in touch with the artist(s)
and follow them on social media
Simon Senn :
Detours Film :
Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne :