The Martin E. Segal Theater Center presents
At the Segal Theatre Film and Performance Festival 2024
A film by
Carolin Mader
Theater, Film, Performance Art, Spoken Word
This film will be available to watch online on the festival website May 16th onwards for 3 weeks, as well as screened in-person on May 20th.
About The Film
Running Time
Year of Release
This short film is a 6.30 minute version of Aeschylus' ORESTEIA (original excerpts from part II COEPHORES by choir/choir leader/Electra/Orestes), spoken by a mysterious sea creature: „beamed“, apparently, into a very confined space near some very noisy street of Berlin, in order to complete the task of the ancient tragedy choir: to reflect and give advice. The dilemma is huge: a father murdered by the mother’s hand. Is the sin of matricide worth the revenge? Is repaying evil with evil worth it at all? Waiting for Electra and Orestes, their questions and possible answers are forshadowed in an inner monologue.
Directed/filmed/edited by: Carolin Mader, Siren: Marina Frenk, supported by: Philipp Engelhardt, Fabrik Osloer Straße, Frauenkulturbuero NRW
About The Artist(s)
Carolin Mader has studied Italian and German philology and Political Science in Italy and Germany and has worked as a theatre director, actress and musician at the municipal theatre of Dortmund and in Berlin, where she lives. Her production „Die Hamletmaschine“ (Heiner Müller) was shown at the supporting program of the NRW Theatertreffen; „Ithaka“ (Gottfried Benn) and „Medea“ (Euripides) have been awarded with the young director’s award of the Frauenkulturbuero NRW.