Feminist Periodization as a Structural Component of Wendy Wasserstein's The Heidi Chronicles
Ahmed S. M. Mohammed
Published on
March 10, 2014
"People are products of the time in which they came of age. I know that to be true. In my plays these women are very much of their times." -- Wendy Wasserstein.
Most scholarship and critical studies on the dramatic works of Wendy Wasserstein (1950-2006), during her lifetime and after her untimely death at the age of 55, have been largely concerned with her representation of [ . . . ]
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About The Authors
JADT publishes thoughtful and innovative work by leading scholars on theatre, drama, and performance in the Americas – past and present. Provocative articles provide valuable insight and information on the heritage of American theatre, as well as its continuing contribution to world literature and the performing arts. Founded in 1989 and previously edited by Professors Vera Mowry Roberts, Jane Bowers, and David Savran, this widely acclaimed peer reviewed journal is now edited by Dr. Benjamin Gillespie and Dr. Bess Rowen.
Journal of American Drama and Theatre is a publication of the Martin E. Segal Theatre Center.