Szertelen Színdarabok New Yorkból (Riff Raff Plays from New York)
Attila Szabó, Frank Hentschker
Hungarian politicians cut funding in 2013 for international theatre productions and festivals in Budapest, quoting: “We don’t need these riffraff plays from New York.” As a reaction, the Segal Center published a Hungarian language anthology of five contemporary American theater plays edited by Frank Hentschker and Attila Szabó, translated to Hungarian by Attila Szabó and Noémi Kecskés. The anthology includes: Neighbors by Branden Jackobs-Jenkins, Detroit by Lisa D'Amour, Intermeddlers by Sarah Stites based on Lillian Hellman's The Children's Hour, The Songs of the Dragons Flying to Heaven by Young Jean Lee and Seven American Deaths and Disasters by Kenneth Goldsmith.
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