Revolutions in Performance and Theatre / History Now
Maya Roth
Published on
April 27, 2023
Maya Roth, Editor
Feeling the Future at Christian End-Time Performances
By Jill Stevenson
Reviewed by Rob Silverman Ascher
Aural/Oral Dramaturgies: Theatre in the Digital Age
By Duška Radosavljević
Reviewed by M. Landon
Borderlands Children’s Theatre: Historical Developments and Emergence of Chicana/o/Mexican-American Youth Theatre
By Cecilia Josephine Aragόn
Reviewed by Jeanne Klein
Pandemic Performance: Resilience, Liveness, and Protest in Quarantine Times
Edited by Kendra Capece and Patrick Scorese
Reviewed by Ansley Valentine
The Cambridge Companion to American Theatre Since 1945
Edited by Julia Listengarten and Stephen Di Benedetto
Reviewed by Clay Sanderson
Democracy Moving: Bill T. Jones, Contemporary American Performance, and the Racial Past
By Ariel Nereson
Reviewed by Jada M. Campbell
Books Received
The Journal of American Drama and Theatre
Volume 35, Number 2 (Spring 2023)
ISNN 2376-4236
©2023 by Martin E. Segal Theatre Center
About The Authors
JADT publishes thoughtful and innovative work by leading scholars on theatre, drama, and performance in the Americas – past and present. Provocative articles provide valuable insight and information on the heritage of American theatre, as well as its continuing contribution to world literature and the performing arts. Founded in 1989 and previously edited by Professors Vera Mowry Roberts, Jane Bowers, and David Savran, this widely acclaimed peer reviewed journal is now edited by Dr. Benjamin Gillespie and Dr. Bess Rowen.
Journal of American Drama and Theatre is a publication of the Martin E. Segal Theatre Center.